Bright Solstice!

Lots of light today. A fine day to announce a new project! (Trumpet blast) It is: My Crowdfundr campaign for

A Story Walks in on Little Mouse Feet! What’s that, you ask? It is a 16 page full-color, softcover comic for kids, one of several little stories excerpted from inside a bigger story about… STORIES. (Yeah, I know, it’s making me dizzy, too.) There’s a deep, dark, fairytale woods, a mysterious little “cat” lots of pesky mice, and a brave little story-teller who wields a mean pencil.(And, when necessary, an eraser)

Argh. I swear. People do these things (Crowdfunding) all the time, but it’s a first for me. Being a diehard, self-promotion-phobic blinky mole-person, it’s big BOOM to my comfort zone. Badly-needed. And, to be honest, my prime motivation. So–shine on, sunshine. Let’s of this thing.


Stories happenin’